To Upload a File:
- Click on the "Files" tool button on the Event Dashboard - OR - use the Quick Launch or Switch Event tool to select the appropriate Event and the "Files" tool.
- Click on the "Upload Files" button.
- Click on "Click to Select Files" to upload one or more files from your computer. You can upload multiple files in a single upload.
- NOTE: A file name cannot contain any of these characters: \ / : * ? < > |
- Once the upload screen shows the files have uploaded 100%, the files have been added to the "Uncategorized Files" area inside the tool.
- You can place each file in a folder by clicking on the "Actions" button to the right of the file name; selecting the "Move to Folder/Switch Folder" option; and selecting the folder to move it to.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This tool does not offer file editing, meaning that you WILL NOT be able to open files inside of Planning Pod or inside of a Web browser and make changes to them (with the exception of files linked to Google Docs/Drive). In order to make edits to an uploaded file, you need to download it to your computer; make the edits locally on your machine; and then reupload the file to store the new version.
To Download/Use a File:
- Click on the "Files" tool button on the Event Dashboard - OR - use the Quick Launch or Switch Event tool to select the appropriate Event and the "Files" tool.
- Click on the file name (which is a live link).
- After clicking on the file name, depending on what Web browser you are using, one of the following things will happen:
- A modal window will appear giving you the ability to choose where to download the file onto your computer.
- If the file is a Google Doc, it will open in a new Web browser window where you can view/modify the file.
- If the file is an image or a text/.csv file, the Web browser may open a new browser page and display the image or text in a new browser window. If this occurs:
- For an image, drag-and-drop the image to your desktop to save it to your computer.
- For text or .csv file (or any other file that displays on a new browser page), click on the "File" tab in your Web browser's main menu (at the top of your screen); select "Save Page As" (or "Save As") option; and then select where on your computer you wish to download the file.
Video Tip - Go to the 0:26 mark of the video to view information on how to add a file.
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